Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

I am glad you to welcome on the website of our organization Korea Health Industry Development Institute - KHIDI in the CIS countries!

Our organization is the non-profit institution subordinated to the Ministry for Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Korea. We diligently work on adjustment of strong communication channels and development of the international cooperation in health care between South Korea and the CIS countries. Having specialized education and long-term experience with the CIS countries, I have a great honor to represent the Republic of Korea in this region. In recent years, South Korea reached big heights in the field of medicine and development of scientific research. This success is based on the effective system of medical support, social and medical insurance system and the state support. KHIDI organization provides professional and systematic support to specialists, organizations and companies working in the medical field, thereby promoting advancement of Korean medical industry to other countries. With the help of our organization, doctors from CIS countries can obtain training in the leading medical institutions in Korea, thousands of patients undergo high-quality treatment and companies have an opportunity to develop medical businesses.

In 2012 KHIDI CIS office has opened its doors in Kazakhstan. Today, our office is located in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan and I am very glad to work in this beautiful city!


Sincerely yours,

Director of KHIDI CIS

Choi Jung Hee